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congress ruling blog
article AllPerspectives

FFCRA: DOL Issues Revised Rules Following NY Court Loss

The DOL has issued revised rules intended to satisfy the court by clarifying what was written earlier.

article Compliance

Employer Mandate Reporting Penalties for 2021

The IRS has started to issue penalties to employers that failed to comply with the ACA’s Employer Mandate for the last several tax years. Employers should note that the penalties have increased for failing to comply in the 2021 tax year.

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article AllPerspectives

How to Help Employees Navigate Health Plan Options for 2021

You get it every year: your health insurance policy manual filled with page after page of terminology you do not understand.

blog image insurance discussion
article AllPerspectives

FSAs, HRAs, HSAs: How to Introduce Them to Clients

The key is knowing how to present the accounts to clients during the insurance discussion.

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article AllPerspectives

How to Create a Roadmap for Selling During the Pandemic

By all accounts it looks like we will be dealing with coronavirus well into 2021. In fact, it could be years before the country returns to some semblance of normalcy.

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article AllPerspectives

Health Insurance Antitrust Law Passes – What It Means to You

The U.S. House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed the Competitive Health Insurance Reform Act (CHIRA) in a September 2020 session.

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article AllPerspectives

5 Steps for Ensuring a Successful 2020 Open Enrollment

Open enrollment 2020 will be unlike previous years thanks to the many changes brought about by the coronavirus crisis.

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article AllPerspectives

Post-COVID Workforce and Insurance: What Does the Future Hold?

Changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic have been too far-reaching and systemic.

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article AllPerspectives

COVID-19 Creates Uncertainty in the Workers' Comp Market

Virtually no aspect of modern life has been left untouched by the COVID-19 pandemic. Not even the workers' compensation system.

blog federal court ruling
article AllPerspectives

Federal Court Temporarily Blocks HHS Gender Identification Rule

A new rule redefining discrimination in healthcare delivery set to take effect on August 18 (2020) has been temporarily blocked by a preliminary injunction.

blog benefits of selling
article AllPerspectives

Benefits Selling: Proven Strategies for Discovering New Clients

As important as benefits are to hiring and retention, it would seem that selling them should be easy.

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article AllPerspectives

How to Connect and Build Relationships with Virtual Meetings

Virtual meetings have replaced water cooler conversations and conference room collaboration.

