
Dominion National Dominion National

Broker products to meet your diverse client needs.



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A. M. Best

Dominion National 

Dominion National is a leading provider and administrator of dental and vision benefits in the Mid-Atlantic, offering managed care and indemnity programs, claims adjudication and comprehensive plan administration. Among its 550,000 customers are leading health plans, employer groups, municipalities, associations and individuals. 

Dominion National currently maintains active dental networks of over 25,000 dentists in five states and the District of Columbia and also offers access to a national PPO network with over 220,000 dentist listings. The company has the single-largest dental HMO-style network in many Mid-Atlantic markets.1 

Dominion National offers Select dental plans (same as a DHMO),2 PPO plans and dual-choice coverage. Dominion National’s selection of vision plans offers coverage for a wide range of budgets. Plans can be employer-paid or voluntary, custom-tailored for specific needs or simple off-the-shelf products.

Dominion National is Not Just Growing a Company. It is Creating a Movement.

Dominion National was created to fill a void, offering agile and flexible resources to those customers that value innovation, responsiveness and choices.

A refreshing alternative to bureaucratic institutions, Dominion National is a groundbreaker, bringing practical solutions, best practices and a new level of service to the benefits industry. Details are important to Dominion. The company guarantees everything from reporting and billing accuracy to network retention and member satisfaction. No point is too fine.

At Dominion National…We Work For Your Benefit.

Online Resources and Administrative Convenience

Dominion National offers secure online access to comprehensive plan information:  
  • Benefits Administrators can access eligibility records, view bills online, reconcile billing statements, view plan documents, order supplies and print ID cards.
  • Members can view and print plan documents, change dentists (Select Plans only), print ID cards, view and print EOB’s and update contact information.
  • Participating dentists can view benefit plans, check patient eligibility, review claim details and file claims electronically.
A New Level of Service

Dominion National demonstrates a strict commitment to quality care, adherence to the highest ethical standards and constant attention to administrative responsiveness, speed and accuracy. 

In its most recent Member Satisfaction Survey, 96% of the respondents were satisfied with Dominion National as its dental plan.3

Member Service Performance4
  • Less than 0.1% of our members called with a complaint.
  • Call abandonment rate is 0.7%.
  • 95% first call resolution.
  • Response time to website inquiries is within 1 business day.
  • Claims Performance4
  • 99.7% claims accuracy.
  • 98.9% of all claims are processed in fewer than 15 days.
  1. Dominion National Competitive Network Survey, 1st Quarter 2014. Participating dentists are subject to change. Mid-Atlantic includes D.C., Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia.
  2. There are fixed member copayments, no annual maximum dollar limits, no waiting periods, no deductibles, no pre-authorization paperwork or pre-treatment estimates and no claim forms or proof of loss (except in the case of out-of-area emergencies).
  3. Dominion National Member Satisfaction Survey, January 2014.
  4. Dominion National Internal Performance Report, 2013.

Type Small Group Large Group Stop Loss Individual Senior


  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Virginia


  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Virginia





  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Virginia


  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Maryland
  • Virginia




