
Morgan White Group Morgan White Group

Broker products to meet your diverse client needs.





In 1987, John J. Morgan and I founded Morgan White Group. At the time, the company primarily focused on consolidated billing of supplemental insurance products provided by multiple insurance carriers. Today, Morgan White Group has grown into a holding company comprised of twelve direct insurance service subsidiaries as well as ten insurance risk-taking and three service affiliates.

Our success has been achieved by creating and delivering cutting-edge insurance products and administrative solutions to the marketplace, which are not available anywhere else. Our guiding principal has always been to find a market that is either underserved or not served at all, and design a product or service to fit that particular market.

Our mission remains unchanged today. Morgan White Group is devoted to continuously developing and providing quality service and innovative insurance products to our customers, brokers, and carriers. If you are an employer searching for a way to reduce the cost of your major medical plan, or perhaps you are a broker looking for unique products to sell, Morgan White Group offers valuable and affordable healthcare solutions.

Through the years, we have been extremely blessed with success and growth. In my opinion, our achievements are due to the fact the Lord delivers outstanding people to work with. We are eternally grateful to Him and will continue to strive to maintain a peaceful and comfortable working environment, above-average wages, and an excellent benefit package for our employees.

The Morgan White Group team looks forward to the challenge of fulfilling our customers’ medical, dental, vision, and life insurance needs. We are committed to making the investment in state-of-the-art technology, equipment, and personnel to provide our customers with the latest, most up-to-date tools available along with superior personal service.

Honesty, cheerfulness, and courtesy will always be the foundation of our relationships with clients, brokers, carriers and staff. Our commitment to this mission is long-term and will not change unless it can be improved. As I look to the future, I see unlimited opportunities to help employers, individuals, families and senior citizens, while growing our family of brokers and insureds. We will continue to make integrity our cornerstone while delivering outstanding service, innovative insurance products, and providing unparalleled service to markets within the United States and beyond.

To become appointed with Morgan White Group, please complete the online contracting process here: MWG Contracting

Type Small Group Large Group Stop Loss Individual Senior


  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Ohio


  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Florida
  • Ohio




