
Reliance Standard Reliance Standard

Broker products to meet your diverse client needs.




A. M. Best

Reliance Standard provides a full spectrum of group coverage to employers as components of basic employee benefits programs. Coverages include group life, group disability income, accidental death and dismemberment, integrated disability, administrative services, group dental and vision. Specialized voluntary coverages are also marketed to employers with enhanced and/or cafeteria employee benefit plans, including an integrated disability income product and an innovative mini-medical product designed for part-time, temporary and seasonal employees. Reliance Standard distributes its products through independent agents and brokers.

Insurance products and services are provided through Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company in all states (except New York), the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico & the U.S. Virgin Islands. Reliance Standard is domiciled in Illinois, and its administrative offices are in Philadelphia.

Reliance Standard has been providing insurance products for over 90 years. It was incorporated in 1907 as the Central Standard Life Insurance Company in Chicago, Illinois. In 1967 the administrative offices moved to Philadelphia, PA and the company was renamed Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company. Not all products are available in all states.

Reliance Standard is owned by Delphi Financial Group (DFG), a publicly traded insurance holding company (NYSE:DFG). DFG is an integrated employee benefit services company and a leader in managing all aspects of employee absence to enhance the productivity of clients.

Other companies in the Delphi Group are:

  • First Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company,(Home Office, New York, N.Y.), a group employee benefits company. FRSL provides insurance products in New York and the District of Columbia.
  • Matrix Absence Management,a service company that manages all programs that make payments to employees for absences, regardless of funding mechanism. Matrix integrates delivery and administration of Disability, Workers Compensation, Return-to-Work services, and Personal/Family Leave of Absence programs into a seamless system.
  • Safety National Casualty Corporation,(Home Office: St. Louis, MO), a Workers’ Compensation specialty insurer offering primary and excess insurance, self-insured bonds and alternative risk funding products and services.

Reliance Standard’s product portfolio includes:

  • Group Term Life/Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance provides death benefits for employees covered under basic employee benefit plans. We offer: accelerated death benefit rider; waiver of premium with Critical Illness benefit; family and medical leave of absence coverage; counseling services; dependent coverage; and supplemental life coverage. A discount is available for employers who maintain a smoke-free workplace and provide wellness programs.
  • Group Disability Income Insurancenot only provides valuable income protection to employees, but also does it at an affordable cost. It can serve as a valuable benefit to help employers retain staff. Our Group Disability Income product has competitive rates and plan design flexibility. Companies can choose from many specially designed benefit packages to offer to their employees. We also offer a competitive “managed disability” program.
  • Group Dental Insuranceprovides benefits for periodic preventive dentistry, extractions, periodontics, endodontics and orthodontia. Plan options vary according to selected coverage. May be sold as stand-alone or with other group coverage. Managed care programs available.
  • Group Vision Insuranceprovides coverage for annual vision exams and benefits for lenses, frames and contacts. Plan options vary according to selected coverage. May be sold as stand-alone or with other group coverage.

RELIANCE STANDARD VOLUNTARY PLANS (RSVP) are 100% employee-paid insurance plans offered at affordable group rates and paid through convenient payroll deduction. Employers can offer voluntary term life, accidental death and dismemberment and integrated short and long term disability insurance in any combination to their employees. The employer chooses and designs a plan that’s right for their employees.

  • Voluntary Term Life Insurance offers term life insurance to employees and dependents. Tobacco user/non-tobacco user rates are available.
  • Voluntary Group Disability Income Insurance offers integrated short term and long term disability, and features flexible elimination periods and maximums.
  • Voluntary Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance offers employees an opportunity to purchase valuable Accidental Death and Dismemberment insurance for themselves and their dependents on a payroll deduction basis. Seat belt/air bag benefit is available up to $100,000 maximum.
  • Voluntary Dental and Vision Plans, called Flex Plans, may be designed for use with Section 125 of the Internal Revenue Service code and allow employees to pay for benefits with pre-tax dollars.

RSL BasicCare™ is available for hourly, part-time, seasonal, temporary, or irregularly scheduled employees in certain occupations. RSL Basic Care is a portfolio of limited, voluntary group health plans that offer affordable coverage to employees with no access to employer-paid health benefits. Flexible medical plans, including hospitalization and prescription benefits, are complemented by ancillary coverages such as Basic Care Dental, Basic Care Term Life and Basic Care STD.

RSL SmartChoice™, our Small Group product offers flexible LTD, Life/AD&D, STD, Dental and Vision plans with competitive rates and flexible plan designs. For groups with 2 to 19 lives (except dental/vision). Coverages include:

  • SmartChoice LTD
  • SmartChoice STD
  • SmartChoice Term Life
  • SmartChoice AD&D
  • SmartChoice Dental and Vision (3-19 lives)

Absence Solutions®, the integrated employee benefits platform marketed exclusively by Reliance Standard and sister company Matrix Absence Management, based in San Jose, CA. Absence Solutions® integrates short and/or long term disability coverage with sophisticated leave management, clinical case management, administrative and reporting features, and is an industry leader in helping companies manage FMLA leave, and quantify their return on investment. Effective absence management requires skill sets that most companies simply don’t have in-house. That’s why so many leading-edge companies choose to outsource this vital business process to an integrated employee benefit company whose core competencies are disability insurance, workers’ compensation insurance and comprehensive absence management: Delphi Financial Group.

Business Travel Accident can be written for groups of five or more. If the state minimum requirement is greater than five, the group must meet the state’s minimum requirements. The amount and kind of business traveling done by key employees influences the kind of plan needed. Tailored plans are available upon request.

Type Small Group Large Group Stop Loss Individual Senior


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