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article AllPerspectives

Retaining and Engaging Top Talent: 2 Things We Don't Talk About

Google the phrase 'how to retain and engage top talent' and you will find tons of articles listing dozens of different tips for keeping your workforce intact.

article AllPerspectives

Key Strategies for Reducing Stress at Work

Stress is part of living in the modern world. It is normal for people to experience at least a minimum amount of stress every now and again. However, consistent stress experienced on a daily basis is not normal, nor is it good.

article AllPerspectives

How's Your Data Security?

The answers to data security issues are all around you – not just in your computer system. On your desk. On the copier. In that box on the floor of the storage closet.

article AllPerspectives

4 Ways Your Employees Can Save on Prescriptions

Prescription drug prices continue to be a thorn in the side of those trying to rein in healthcare costs. Indeed, rising prescription prices constitute one of the single largest contributors to rising health insurance premiums.

article AllPerspectives

Top 5 Tips for Helping Employees Set Goals

Setting goals is part and parcel of the professional business environment. Employees are encouraged to set goals for the coming year, then track them along with management over the next 12 months. The process is seen as a way to increase employee engagement and productivity.

article AllPerspectives

Top 3 Changes for Payroll in 2020

With the start of each new year come changes in how we pay taxes. Some years, the changes affect employer payroll departments. 2020 is one of those years. There are numerous changes at both the federal and state levels that your clients should be aware of. This post highlights the top three.

article AllPerspectives

New W-4 Released: APA Offers Resources

The final version of the new Form W-4 has been published and the IRS is asking professionals to become familiar with it so you can determine proper withholding in 2020.

article AllPerspectives

Out Now: The Latest Data on Payroll Salaries and the Profession

The American Payroll Association has just released its 2019 Survey of Salaries and The Payroll Profession, which offers a comprehensive inside look at payroll departments across the U.S.

article AllPerspectives

Revisions to IRS Form W-4: Are Your Clients Ready?

We have known for several years that a new W-4 is coming. The 2019 W-4 is slightly different from its predecessor, but the 2020 form is completely different. The IRS intends to simplify the process with its new form. Whether or not it works out that way remains to be seen. The question now is whether or not your clients are ready for the coming changes?

article AllPerspectives

Open Enrollment 2020: What Your Clients Need to Know

We are quickly approaching the annual open enrollment period for health insurance benefits. Whether your client provides health insurance or not, employees need to know what this is all about. They also need to begin preparing for open enrollment now. You can help by educating your clients about this important topic.

article AllPerspectives

Payroll Security: More Important Than Ever

The IRS calls payroll security a “critical concern” and has once again provided advice to payroll professionals on how to secure data, avoid identity attacks, create a security plan and report breaches and thefts when they happen.

article AllPerspectives

Are You Adequately Protecting Employee Data? Take A Look at the “Security Six”

The IRS and its Security Summit partners – a coalition of federal agencies and private industry – have a new checklist for professionals who use, manage and store sensitive taxpayer information.

