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remote work
article AllPerspectives

Embracing Technology and Efficiency for Remote Work

How many companies were dragged kicking and screaming into the remote work environment by COVID?

being a leader
article AllPerspectives

Brokers Should Be Leading Their Clients – Here's How

The employee benefits game is a complicated one. It is no longer enough to pick a health insurance plan and leave it at that.

becoming a broker
article AllPerspectives

Becoming a Digital Broker Sets You up for a Brighter Future

Insurance carriers were skeptical of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) when they were introduced in 1973.

healthcare costs
article AllPerspectives

Here's How to Manage Your Company's Healthcare Costs

Among all of the benefits offered by employers, none is more important to employees than health insurance.

compliance health
article AllPerspectives

Compliance Even More Important to Brokers in the Post-COVID Era

If you are selling health insurance plans to employers, you have to do things by the book.

broker technology .jpg
article AllPerspectives

Brokers: Be Efficient in a Remote World or Fall Behind

The COVID pandemic's enforced remote work environment was a shock to industries that were not previously used to it.

employee benefits
article AllPerspectives

How Companies Are Improving Their Employee Health Programs

Employers have long walked a fine line between maximizing productivity and helping clients lead healthy lifestyles.

work culture
article AllPerspectives

Promoting the Culture of Work-Life Balance Requires Discipline

Telling employees that you want them to enjoy a good work-life balance is one thing.

employee benefits
article AllPerspectives

Top 5 Benefits Employees Will Look for Post-COVID

Surveys about employee benefit expectations for 2022 are just beginning to emerge. What they show might be surprising to business executives.

social media for brokers
article AllPerspectives

Guide to Mastering Social Media for Insurance Brokers

From a group of surveyed insurance agencies, 60% overlook the importance of measuring the results of their digital marketing efforts.

returning to work
article AllPerspectives

5 Metrics for Better Business Management and Decision Making

You are a small business owner looking to meet the needs of your clients with products and services that check all their boxes.

returning to work
article AllPerspectives

Returning to Work: How to Manage the New Environment

Health concerns aside, one of the biggest issues in the new environment is bringing everybody up to speed on current expectations.

